PosterSessionOnline (PSO) is a platform for printed and electronic scientific, medical and academic posters. We offer a modular poster service and a full range of poster session management solutions. Furthermore, we will help you to create your presentation poster and we make sure that we correct any possible mistake through our 6 stage accredited Quality Control.

Hence, now it is time to talk about the different benefits of using posters for advertising.

6 benefits of using posters

These are just some of the benefits of using posters at a conference:

Engage with other attendees at the conference

Posters give you the chance to engage with other conference attendees who are interested in the same subject and applications as you are. You may start a conversation about your poster with someone that could turn into a future collaboration, or even an offer of employment. Face to face conversations about your poster gives you the opportunity to talk about the most explicit aspects of your research that may not be possible during the poster presentation.

A poster session disseminates your work

If your research falls within a reduced scope of specialization, a poster session is one of the best ways to disseminate your work. A poster also enables you to actively engage with other attendants during the conference in a way that networking alone does not. From the beginning, the poster defines the topic of the conversation due to its nature.



Other of the benefits and good reason to present a poster is that you can receive constructive feedback. That means that you will receive both critics and compliments on your work that will probably help you in the future. A perceptive and impartial discussion of your research by a fellow can often provide you with ideas for improving your work significantly.

A poster is almost as good as an oral presentation

A poster session is probably not as good as an oral presentation, but almost. They are the perfect match the vast majority of the times! If you combine them, you will have the best of both.

An oral presentation may have a stronger effect on people, but we could say that the only bad thing about it is that it gives you no more than 10 or 15 minutes for commentaries and questions. However, if you opt for a poster session, you will make available a lot of hours. That will allow more time to discuss in depth.

Furthermore, not all the people will manage to make it to your oral presentation due to there will probably be simultaneous tracks

Posters present the information in a visual and simple way

Poster sessions give you the chance to practice and test your presentation skills. One of the benefits of presenting a poster is that it gives you the opportunity to try explaining and clarifying a concept in several different ways, so you will see which explanation is better received.

At the same time that you are improving your capability to communicate verbally, as well as you can refine your capability to present the information in a visual and simple way too.


A poster session is the perfect choice for the early stages of the research

Definitely, another of the biggest benefits of a poster session is that it is the perfect choice for the early stages of your research. At that time, you may not have much more than an idea. This way, you will stand to benefit a lot from discussing about your poster with other researchers and peers from the same field of research.

To sum things up, we could say that there are a great number of benefits from a poster presentation. Moreover, it provides a great value, both for you — due to the reasons that we have highlighted above — and for the conference attendees,  who will have the chance to discuss the content of your poster with you.

If you are interested in poster sessions, you can also take a look at other post of our blog. For example:

⇨ What is a poster presentation? 10 rules that you should follow for a good poster presentation

⇨ How to make an effective electronic poster presentation?

⇨ How to choose the coolest colour combination for your poster

We hope that you have found this information useful. If you understand the benefits of a poster session for advertising your work and you are interested in our services, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team will be pleased to help you anytime.

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